Egyptian-Made Imagina Books: Bringing Science to Life
May 07, 2019
Products made in Egypt are on the rise, which gives the community the chance to support local talent in return for high quality products. Imagina Books are educational Augmented Reality (AR) books that bring science to life, with the objective of providing kids with an interactive and advanced way of learning. All you have to do is download the Imagina Books application on your smart device.
If adults could be that captivated with the product, what would such advanced tools do with kids? That is why we reached out to Hisham Hosni, co-founder of Livit Studios, the company behind Imagina books, so that he would elaborate more on their work in the educational field.
كُتب تفاعلية لتعليم الهندسة والعلوم بشكل مُبسط...ابتكرها فريق مصري ووصل من خلالها للعالمية
24 February، 2019
بهدف استغلال تعلق الأطفال بالتكنولوجيا في تحقيق ثورة في تعليم العلوم والهندسة والرياضيات باستخدام البيئات المذهلة لتكنولوجيات الواقع الافتراضي والمعزز. أطلق فريق مصري أولى إصدارات سلسلة Imagina Books وهي مجموعة من الكتب التفاعلية التثقيفية التي تقدم علوم متعددة لمختلف الأعمار بلغات مختلفة.
وتعتمد على استخدام تكنولوجيا الواقع المعزز (Augmented Reality) القائمة على إسقاط الأجسام الافتراضية والمعلومات في بيئة المستخدم الحقيقية، لتوفر معلومات إضافية له، وفي إطارها يستطيع الطفل المستخدم التعامل مع المعلومات والأجسام الافتراضية في الواقع المعزز من خلال عدة أجهزه كالهاتف الذكي، أو من خلال الأجهزة الحديثة التي يتم ارتداؤها كالنظارات.
بدأت السلسلة بكتاب يحتفي بتبسيط علم الأحياء، حيث يتناول جسد الإنسان معتمداً على محادثات بين شخصيات كرتونية منها (سارة وآدم). ويتم استخدامه مع أبلكيشن من Apple أو Play ستور. بحيث ما إن يقوم الطفل بتحريك هاتفه على الكتاب حتى يظهر جهاز الجسم، كالجهاز التنفسي بتفاصيله.
Imagina Books: The Egyptian Product Changing Education Around The World
January 28, 2019
The first book in the series, The Human Body, uses this technology to teach children all about the body’s organs and systems through gamification and realistic models.
To use the book’s features, one must first download the Imagina Books app from the app store or play store to a smartphone or a tablet.
Once you launch the app, point the device at any of the book’s pages, which will make the organs on the page come to life as 3D models on your screen.
“The combinations within this product allows children to fully use their senses and that’s how we’re delivering the content. They don’t feel like they’re studying, it feels more like a game,” said Hosni.
Egyptian Engineers Invent Book of Human Body as 3D Model
January 14, 2019
“our main focus while designing the book was two things; making sure that the book was attractive to children, and that it has a substantial amount of science on its own without the application. Why? Because in the digital age, printed books are almost forgotten and neglected.” Hesham Hosni, Co-Founder at Livit Studios said. Adding “ we’re embracing it and giving it a technological kick with the AR app. The design of the book took a lot of iterations to get to what we have now. The book was designed from the ground up to be an augmented reality book.”
Egypt Launches First Augmented Reality Education Book
December 25, 2018
“Imagine reading about the anatomy of the cardiovascular system and having zero imagination. You can’t tell the difference between a vein or an artery. Reading about the brain halves sounds like a sci-fi movie. Everything is overwhelming and you soon lose interest. Imagina Books is the perfect solution for a child who needs a little bit of visual incentive to get things going.”
Imagina Book, For Augmented Reality Education
November 3, 2017
“Virtual reality and Augmented reality became essential technologies these days. They have an important role in making products much exciting and entertaining, especially in education. Recently, Livit Studios announced its new augmented reality book series “Imagina Book“.
Imagina Books is an educational book series that converts the classic and traditional book into an interactive and 3d visualized. It provides a new reading and learning method which leads to better understanding and also more enjoyable experience for kids.”
Imagina Books – Educational Augmented Reality Books
October 17, 2017
“In addition to helping parents with child custody, I also serve locally as a trustee in Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School district. So as you know I value education greatly. I’ve had a reader, Hisham Hosni, reach out to me and tell me about a project he is hoping to get funded on KickStarter. He has created Imagina Books: Human Body Augmented Reality Educational Book.”
Learn About The Human Body Using Augmented Reality
October 17, 2017
“The Human Body, our first book, is a complete gamified journey inside the human body. Now, your children can explore all their body organs and functions with an interactive augmented reality experience. All what they have to do is point their tablets and mobile phones to the book and leave the rest for their imagination. When they point their phones at any page in the book, the body organ showed on the page will come to life as a 3D model on the screen of your phone or tablet.”
(مقابلة حصري لتك بالعربي) .. تطبيق جديد يحول الكتاب التعليمي إلى عالم من الواقع المعزز
16 October، 2017
يبدو أن ريادة التعـليم التفاعلي لن تمر دون مشاركة مصرية حقيقية تساهم في تغيير واقع التعليم المصري المبني على التلقين والتكرار التقليدي منذ عقود طويلة.. لكن الواقع الافتراضي أصبح أداة في يد المبتكرين للتغيير وبث الحياة في نصوص التعليم، كما فعل سبعة مبتكرين شباب مصريين من خريجي كلية الهندسة جامعة القاهرة، من خلال نقل كتابا تعليميا إلى مفردات عالم “الواقع المعزز”، فعند تسليط التطبيق من خلال التاب، أو الهاتف على الكتاب، فيتم إظهار الصورة بشكل ثلاثي الأبعاد
Imagina Books – VR/AR for learning
October 14, 2017
“I received an email last week from Hisham Hosni of Livit Studios who, like many of us, firmly believes that education is the most important aspect of a child’s life. Their vision at Livit Studios is to use Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in delivering a better and more enjoyable educational experience for our children. Apple has officially supported AR on IOS, so that the iPhone and iPads are AR-Ready.”
AR Biology Books
October 14, 2017
Imagina Books offer the best of both worlds by providing a tangible book with a learning experience that can be enhanced with AR technology via an app. As LIVIT Studios claims, these books “[boost] visualization and imagination leading to better understanding, more enjoyable and a better hands-on experience for our kids.”
Imagina Books: The Human Body
October 14, 2017
Imagina Books: The Human Body is an Educational Augmented Reality book that taps into the human anatomy and the bodily functions. Imagina Books is a complete gamified learning journey inside the human body. Now, your children can explore all their body organs and functions with an interactive AR experience using only their phone/tablet and our book.
أول كتب تعليمية مصرية بتقنية ” الواقع المعزز “
13 October، 2017
Imagina Books – New Way for Child Education
October 13, 2017
“Personally, I think this can be potentially incredibly helpful for not only children but all ages. I have experienced teaching people of many ages and noticed that common knowledge is not as common as people think. Education is different not only from country to country and state to state, but from area to area as well. Someone could learn all about a topic in one place and end up meeting someone else who is entirely oblivious to that topic. The way that people soak in this information is also different from person to person. I think that this hands-on experience will be the most beneficial for learning. If you do not think so, then there is still the option of just reading the book itself without the app. This allows different kinds of learners to experience the same book (which is what really brought this book to my attention).”